It seems like such a long time ago now, but our very first studio opened up on November 2, 2009. We had a common dream—a place to bring community together. This is was our first community called Power Yoga Canada in the Toronto area in Ontario, Canada. Yoga is our medium and transformation is our message. So often we are asked what our trick is and how we have been able to grow this community. We wish there was a secret sauce that we could bottle and market, but it is simple—we make everyone feel at home.
Since 2009, we have opened a bunch of studios and have both grown our personal families with new babies. Kinndli and I even had a baby on the same day 2 years apart—#crazy. We have seen our students meet, get married and grow families. Others have graduated and moved across the world. Regardless of where people have gone, we love seeing them come home again and hearing about how they are achieving their dreams and goals. During the last few years, with the long lockdowns, we got really clear on what is most important to us and through it all family and community still came through as the heart beat of why we do what we do. Following an amazing opportunity for our boys to go to school in Ohio, we followed them to Cleveland which has opened up the opportunity for our first Power Yoga Collective studio in the US.
If there was one thing that we could share with you, it is that Power Yoga Collective is the home of everything Power Yoga. We do one thing and we do it the best—HOT POWER YOGA. This is the one thing we urge you to find out about yourself. What are you the best in the world at? What are you most passionate about? Find that, then get up and share it with the world!
Much Love,
Kinndli & Pauline
P.S. We want to say thank you to all of you who have practiced with us, cried with us, celebrated with us, and changed our babies’ diapers for us. YOU and ALL OF YOU have made this dream a reality. As the African proverb says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Well, PYC is our child and you have been the village that has kept it thriving. Here’s to many more sweaty mats!