Congratulations! You are at the beginning of a journey that will change your life and bring you so much joy. You WILL be transformed by this practice. As with anything new, be compassionate with yourself and remember that you don’t have to get everything right away. Practicing yoga is a lifelong endeavor and the basics you learn will be crucial as you build a strong practice. We encourage beginners to pace themselves in class, and, for best results, to complete 10 classes in 3 weeks. This creates a solid physical base and an intellectual understanding in which to continue your journey into power! In increments, you’ll build strength, focus, stamina and flexibility.
Do I have to sign up for classes online?
Online reservations can be made through the PYC website. We do not require you to book in advance but it is always a good idea in order to secure a mat spot. You are always more than welcome to drop in and sign up at the front desk too.
If I sign up online and can't make it, what do I do?
You can cancel yourself out of your class through your account on the PYC website but if you do not do so before the sign in window closes than there is a $10 no-show fee.
What should I wear?
You will want to wear clothes that you feel comfortable sweating in. Pretty much what you would wear to work out or run in….minus the socks and shoes. Clothes that are sweat wicking and aren’t too heavy are suggested.
What should I bring?
You will need a yoga mat, towel and bottle of water. We rent all of these items but we recommend bringing your own. You will sweat a lot, so wear clothes that are light and sweat wicking. Our studio has one showe too, so you can bring a shower towel and change of clothes if you choose to shower here.
Can I eat before class?
We recommend that you practice yoga on a fairly empty stomach, but a light snack before class, like fruit or a granola bar, may be just what you need for extra energy.
How much water should I drink?
You will want to drink a good sized bottle of water before you arrive for class. Coming to yoga hydrated will be most beneficial for you in the heat. During the class, you can pause your practice to sip water whenever you need to.
What are electrolytes?
When you sweat you lose minerals and salt, which need to be replenished. Muscle cramping can be a sign of low potassium and a headache is quite often just a sign of dehydration. Our drinks of choice to revitalize and hydrate are celery juice, cucumber juice or coconut water! But you can also get your electrolytes with powders like Superieur Electrolytes or Gatorade.
How hot will it get?
We heat the room with healing radiant panels to about 97 degrees and we keep the humidity nice and juicy. Radiant heat is different from blowing heat in that the panels heat the objects in the room, so the air feels different than in a blowing dry heat. The heat is a natural way for your muscles to stretch and it also helps prevent injury. It is SO healing to detoxify through the act of sweating. Your first few classes may be challenging. If you are new to hot yoga you may experience symptoms like you would on a hot day but soon you will become acclimated to the heat and find it more comfortable. We ask that you pace yourself and take a resting pose if you feel over heated. This allows your body to acclimate to the heat and allows you to practice being with your experience.
But I’m not flexible, so how can I do yoga?
This practice invites you to just be with where you are at in your body in the moment. Whether you feel tight and can’t touch your toes, or you are tired after a long day at work, a regular Power Yoga practice will yield amazing results. You do not need to know anything about yoga to begin, there is no preparation for beginning, you just step onto the mat and open yourself up to a new experience.
Will I lose weight? Build muscles?
The amazing thing about Power Yoga is that it will completely transform your whole body, mind and spirit. If you need to lose weight you will and if you need to build muscle you will. It all depends on what shift needs to take place in your body to bring it back to its most natural state. This style of yoga torches calories and awakens every cell in your body.
How often should I practice?
We know you have a hectic life so Power Yoga Collective offers many classes throughout the day that are mostly 60min classes. For optimal results in gaining energy, decreasing stress and building a strong, pain-free body, consistency is the key to success. A practice of 2 – 3 days per week, if consistent, will create transformation over time. For life-changing results practice 4 – 6 days per week.
How does Power Yoga Collective differ from other forms of yoga?
Power Yoga Collective offers a different kind of yoga practice. It’s based on intuition rather than tradition. If you think you need to go to a health club to be fit and beautiful, think again. If you think that you need to escape to a cave in the Himalayas to find the enlightenment that yoga promises, think again. Power Yoga Collective offers more than the familiar poses and breathing techniques; it offers a way to face life with a renewed personal strength. We are committed to leaving you feeling rinsed and renewed and most importantly, leaving you feeling with a sense of community and belonging.
Is Power Yoga safe for pregnant women?
As with any exercise program, the two general rules of thumb are to check with your physician and to listen to your own body and heed any discomfort. If you are new to hot yoga we do NOT recommend starting one while pregnant. If you have a regular hot yoga practice before you became pregnant and your doctor signed off then you will empower yourself and listen to your body as you feel comfortable. There are some poses, such as deep twists and lying on the belly, that are contraindicated for pregnancy and you can ask our teachers to support you on your journey. Since we practice in a heated room, again, it is best to discuss with your physician your interest in continuing your yoga practice while you are pregnant.