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200 Hr Yoga Teacher Training: What’s in it for you?


This program is challenging because it asks you to get real with about who you’ve been and who you want to be in the future.  Through inquiry, meditation and asana (yoga practice), you be able to create space between your thoughts and will tune in to your innermost compass and be in the experience of creating something new for yourself.


You will gain new insights into your yoga practice as you study the anatomy of yoga, learn the fundamentals of the Journey into Power. Your practice and understanding of your own body will be transformed as you understand the mechanics of movement and how to find your fullest expression. 


One of the greatest gifts of this program is that it will reunite you with play.  Maybe you’ve been taking yourself too seriously for too long, in this 200 hour yoga teacher training program you will reconnect with what it feels like for explore with curiosity, put your heart into trying new things and encouraging others to play as well.


You’ll meet your Yoga Family.   These will be the people to cheer you on without question, just like you’ll learn to be the loudest one in the room cheering for them.  They will give of themselves generously and you will too. You will learn to love, celebrate and share fiercely. Do not be surprised when one of you suggests matching tattoos.


Am I really teaching a yoga class right now?  Am I really doing a handstand right now? Am I really sharing in front of the group right now? Am I really moving past by bullshit?  Am I really up to something bigger than myself? YES.