Author: Jess Moore – Winter 2017 Teacher Training Grad, PYC Gtown Teacher & Yogi
On the eve of another 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, I wanted to share some reflections on my teacher training experience. The program will challenge you in ways you could never expect, with that in mind, here are five ways to maximize your teacher training experience:
Stay Present
I was very nonchalant in my expectations of teacher training, after all, I had done 40 Days to Personal Revolution (twice), so I deemed myself pretty much an expert at sharing. I think I nearly got whiplash the first day of teacher training. I hatched a plan to sneak out of the program. Move, maybe to Vancouver, devise another identity and forget the whole idea of a yoga teacher training -it was only then I remembered a friend had been my ride (no exaggeration). Stay present, all is well.
Push Yourself to Connect
This community shines so bright when it comes to generating community. I’m telling you, the love in a 200 Hour Teacher Training is fierce. You will find your TT Family and love them hard (there will likely be talk of matching tattoos, coordinating outfits and all boundaries of ridiculousness). A homebase is great, but also push yourself to connect someone new at breaks or meals.
The Sneaky Thing About Sharing
If any any point you say to yourself “I don’t really have a good story to share, I’ll catch the next one”, I encourage you automatically stick your hand up. There are a lot of next ones, until there isn’t, so don’t miss the opportunity in front of you. We share from the present, so don’t sweat all the details or measuring of whether it’s good enough.
Memorize the JIP Early
I was about halfway through the program before I could confidently get to the grounding series of the flow. At that point, I realized that I was leaving the memorizing incomplete as an excuse to not get as big as possible in my teaching. It gave me something to fall back on, and helped keep me in my comfort zone. In reality, if my brain has the capacity to remember every Kardashian sister and all the characters in the periphery, the JIP should be no problem. Memorizing the Journey into Power sequence is an access to more freedom in the program. Think about the JIP as an instrument itself, and the 200 Hour Teacher Training program teaches how to play that instrument wholeheartedly.
The Program Works
It’s as simple as that. Each person has their own path through the training, so it can be easy to fall into comparison. Why am I not having highly individual and meaningful personal insights on a predetermined timeline?! Chill. The program works and extends way beyond your training period, knowing that the program works, relax and know that magic is coming your way.
To the Summer 2018 Yoga Teacher Training Intensive class, I’m wishing you all the best. Enjoy your time at program and see you on the other side!